1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The Lowdown on
Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art: Explains the meaning of lowbrow and how
the term originated. The term originated from an author in his book, and its
meaning is a person regarded as uncultivated and lacking in taste. Also, how it
has something to do with pop culture showing the style of people and a social
Displaying Modern
Art: The Tate Approach: Modern art in the MOMA from 1929 onwards was
displayed primarily in chronological order, representing each art movement. Art
is displayed on white walls with flexible lighting. Also, displaying serves as
a representation of history from centuries. In addition, beside MOMA style of
display there is the thematic approach of art display. Moreover, the video
shows how critics argue that Tate Modern's thematic presentation of art
requires that viewers have no knowledge of art they believe art should be more
than entertainment.
Bones of
Contention: Native American Archaeology:
the video talked about Native Americans' bones were collected as
a scientific curiosity during the U.S. genocide against Indians. Native
American skulls are collected and stored in museums. Also, Native Americans
have ceremonies to discover whether the bones are their ancestors or not. Their
past is conveyed through an oral tradition. One Native American tells a story
about how Americans were digging out dead Native American remains for
scientific research.
An Acquiring Mind:
Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan: Knowledge is the engineer
that makes museum work, museum is never finished there will always be changes, Mr.
de Montebello guided the acquisition of more than 84,000 works of art, and
before every at is acquired and displayed it goes through the director.
2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art
Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
The videos relate to the creation of art exhibition because
all the videos show how arts are collected and displayed, and styles of
displaying art such as the MOMA style and the thematic approach of art.
3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to
understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation
The video do add depth to understanding of art concepts
which helped in the creation of my project.
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